
Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, along with GoSolo, is proud to offer you a revolutionary communications tool for your small office or home-based business. Simplify your day by providing a personal toll-free number service with a virtual office to receive all your messages (email, fax, and voicemail), plus a professional 24-hour answering service, so you’ll never miss an important call.
Give your business a professional appearance and reduce the amount of phone numbers you promote to one number that replaces your existing business phone number, fax number, and email address. When you're on the go, use our Web-based virtual office message center to check your messages, you can have your faxes forwarded, and you can listen to your voice AND email messages. Program your service to find you on the fly...anywhere, anytime and at your convenience. Our speech recognition system makes it even easier to manage your daily business schedule. Add the power, flexibility, and function of our conferencing applications to communicate in a professional setting with employees, clients, and customers, without the large monthly costs. GoSolo provides you with all the tools you need to run your business at peak performance.